The Southern Croquet Federation wished to mark the second retirement of their long-standing Treasurer Rita Nunn, by this nomination for a Croquet Association Diploma for Service to Croquet. The CA made the award at their AGM on 12 October 2017, when Rita was unfortunately unable to attend. It had always been the SCF’s intention to re-award the Diploma at our own AGM today and it was nice to do that at Rita’s home club Winchester.
Citation: Rita has served on the Southern Croquet Federation committee for over ten years as Treasurer, a task which is far from straightforward given the infrequency of meetings and the different ways member clubs handle their finances. The Federation is particularly indebted to Rita, who having first retired before the start of the 2016 season for more family time, answered a distress call to return, when her replacement as treasurer sadly passed away within months of taking office. Rita didn’t have a moment’s hesitation in helping the Federation out in its hour of need by taking on the Treasurer role again for the remainder of that year.
Rita has also been an equally vital part of her own club, Winchester. Not only has she over the years served on the committee as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, but has also devoted much time to coaching beginners and managing tournaments at Club and Federation level.
For this length of service Rita, the Southern Croquet Federation is most grateful, and the awarding of this Croquet Association Diploma is most richly deserved.