The SCF’s Development Officer Barry Dench introduced the CA backed ‘Croquet Matters’ computer based Clubs improvement tool today. Six of the SCF’s northern based clubs – Caversham, Eynsham, Harwell, High Wycombe, Phyllis Court and Wingrave, met at Phyllis Court this morning and all present were impressed with what the program had to offer – all will be recommending it be utilised at their clubs.
In the afternoon, SCF six committee members re-convened to apply ‘Croquet Matters’ to the Federation and this provided an interesting insight to many aspects of our offering to our member clubs. Areas of activity were given an assessment score and targets were set for 12 months hence. Barry Dench will be writing an overview of the process, results and targets.
The second ‘Croquet Matters’ workshop (for our southern based clubs) will be held at Winchester CC on 6 February, again lead by Barry Dench.